Privacy Policy

Information about the companies:

Company name: Laurent Auxietre SAS
APE code: 4511Z
Head office: 16 Boulevard de la Reine, 78000 Versailles – France
Siret: 80139318200028
RCS: 801.393.182 (Versailles)
European VAT: FR 26 801 39 31 82
Telephone: +33 6 77 77 99 99
Email address:

This page tells you the terms of use of our website
By using this site, you agree with these terms.
If you do not agree with them, please refrain from using this website.

The company Laurent Auxietre SAS is the owner of all intellectual property rights of this website. Any copying, redistribution, publication or retransmission of any portion of website material, is strictly prohibited without the express permission of Laurent Auxietre SAS.

Content and liability:

Some of the content published on this website has been submitted by third party. The information for each advertised motorcar on this website has been compiled by Laurent Auxietre SAS with the utmost care and based on either on its own researches or from the information provided by their respective owners or representative sellers.

The information contained in each advert is provided « as is » without warranties as to its accuracy whether expressed or implied and is intended for informational purpose only. It could however be that some of the information need to be amended. Laurent Auxietre SAS is not liable for any possible errors or mistakes.


We cannot guarantee that this website will remain uninterrupted, free of errors or bugs. We will not be liable if this website becomes unavailable for any reason and at any time. Access may be suspended at any time with no prior notice.

Personal data:

Laurent Auxietre SAS takes security measures in line with data protection and integrity regulations. Your personal data will only be used for the purposes for which you provided it to Laurent Auxietre SAS. Additionally, Laurent Auxietre SAS will never share your personal data with any third party without your prior consent.


We may change the aforementioned terms at any time without notice. It is your responsibility to review the website’s terms each time you enter the website to ensure you are aware of our latest terms and conditions. Your use of this website after a change has been made signifies your acceptance of the revised terms.

Thank you for visiting our website.